Friday, May 13, 2011

4/26/11 - Berries Hop to It at Zippy 5K

The PA Short Grand Prix kicked off 2011 with the annual running of the pinheads.   The scheduling of this year's event laid a big egg with those who have strong Easter traditions.  While not quite the church verses state quandary, the church verses race issue may have contributed to a few no shows. 

The Berries were well represented in the old hare division, but were a little short in the bunny category - scoring a strong masters team but needing to hunt for a few scoring members in the open category.   The Strawberry bunnies (what, no chocolate?) include Tom "Jack Rabbit" Haxton who flattened this Easter trail in a solid 15:12 to take 7th overall and only 19 seconds off the winning time.   David "Fluffy Bunny" Yu was 23rd overall in 15:43,  Jack "Dye My PR" Wallace with a PR 16:25 and  Keith "Floppy Ears" Gilmore completing the trio in 17:38.

For the old hares, it was a close 1-2-3 for the Berries top three;  all sneaking in under 17 and placing 5-6-7 in the masters division.   Jeff "Hop to It" Mann hit the line 16:50, with Darrin "L-Eggs" Banks (16:54) and Tim "Peeps" Keenan (16:55) close behind.   The fourth man for the club was Bill "Jellybeans" Reed in 17:23, with seniors Barry "Cotton Tail" Smith and Jeff "Jelly Has-Bean" Teeters right on Bill's tail in 17:31 and 17:36.

Other masters finishing, and scoring for the Open bunnies, included Chris "Cuddly Ducky" Dodge (17:55) and Mike "Bun buns" Singleton (18:08).  If your eyes are not rolling yet, keep reading...

Those not fortunate, or fast enough, to score on the bunnies or old hare teams included Dan "Green Plastic Grass" Sivollela in 18:15;   Alan "Easter Basket Case" Dehlinger (18:38) and Thom "Bad Ham-String" Trimble in 19:23 (hand timed).
No animals or personal records were threatened in this event, which saw the masters men take home a Silver egg, with the open bunnies settling for something around 7th place.  In keeping with the no holiday is too good for racing, the Marin Memorial Day 10K will indeed by held on Memorial Day.  However, rumors that WVTC will one-up Excelsior and Tamalpa by placing the Christmas Relays on Christmas day, are not yet corroborated.

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